Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guide www.xilinx.com 161
UG492 July 23, 2010
Directory and File Contents
<component name>/doc
The doc directory contains the PDF documentation provided with the core.
<component name>/MyProcessorIPLib
This is the route directory which should be imported into the Xilinx Embedded
Development Kit.
A directory containing the pcore HDL and netlist hardware components for the Ethernet
AVB Endpoint core and associated supporting files.
The driver data directory contains the data files for automatic integration into Platform Studio.
Table 16-3: Doc Directory
Name Description
eth_avb_endpoint_ds677.pdf Ethernet AVB Endpoint Data Sheet
eth_avb_endpoint_ug492.pdf Ethernet AVB Endpoint User Guide
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Table 16-4: Driver Data Directory
Name Description
eth_avb_endpoint_v2_1_0.bbd Black Box description file for the core netlist.
eth_avb_endpoint_v2_1_0.mpd Microprocessor Description file for the pcore
(contains a list and definition of ports)
eth_avb_endpoint_v2_1_0.pao Peripheral Analyze Order file (containing a list of
HDL sources requiring synthesis.
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