Chorus Send
Graphically indicates current Chorus Send setting.
Range: 0 … 127
This determines the level of the selected Part’s Voice that is sent to
the Chorus effect. A value of 0 results in a completely “dry” Voice
sound (no Chorus effect).
Keep in mind that the Chorus effect must be properly enabled and set for this parameter to
work as intended. (See page 88.)
Variation Send
Graphically indicates current Variation Send setting.
Settings: off, on (when Variation Connection is set to INS);
0 … 127 (when Variation Connection is set to SYS)
This determines whether the selected Part’s Voice is sent to the Vari-
ation effect or not. A setting of “off” results in no Variation effect
being applied to the Voice.
Note Shift
Graphically indicates current Note Shift setting.
Range: –24 … +24 semitones
This determines the key transposition setting for the Part’s Voice.