Portamento Parameters
Portamento is a function that creates a smooth pitch glide from one
note to another.
Portamento Switch (PortametSw)
Height of bars indicates selected Portamento Switch setting for each
Part. (A single bar indicates “off” setting, while full height indicates
Selected Part and MIDI channel
Settings: off, on
Default: off
This determines whether Portamento is on or off for the Part. (This
parameter is not available for Drum Parts.)
Portamento Time (PortametTm)
Graphically shows Portamento Time setting for each Part.
Selected Part and MIDI channel
Range: 0 … 127
Default: 0
This determines the time of the Portamento effect, or how long it
takes to glide the pitch from one note to the next. Higher values re-
sult in a longer pitch glide time. (This parameter is not available for
Drum Parts.)
Velocity Limit Parameters
The Velocity Limit Low and High parameters allow you to set the
effective velocity range for a Part’s Voice. Velocity values outside
the range will not be played. (Velocity is generally the strength at
which notes are played from a MIDI keyboard.)