The Vibrato section of Performance Edit parameters are the same as the
corresponding parameters in the Multi Edit mode. (See page 51.)
The Others section of Performance Edit parameters contains miscellaneous
controls, including those related to tuning, velocity, portamento, note range,
etc. With a few additional parameters, these are the same as the parameters
in the Multi Edit mode.
The Part Edit parameter (available in Multi Edit) is not available in Performance Edit mode.
No Drum Parts can be selected for a Performance.
Same as the corresponding parameter in the Multi Edit mode. (See
page 53.)
Mono/Poly Mode
Same as the corresponding parameter in the Multi Edit mode. (See
page 55.)
Velocity Sensitivity Depth (VelSensDpt)
Same as the corresponding parameter in the Multi Edit mode. (See
page 56.)
Velocity Sensitivity Offset (VelSensOfs)
Same as the corresponding parameter in the Multi Edit mode. (See
page 56.)
Note Limit Low (NoteLimitL)
Same as the corresponding parameter in the Multi Edit mode. (See
page 57.)
Note Limit High (NoteLimitH)
Same as the corresponding parameter in the Multi Edit mode. (See
page 57.)
Portamento Switch (PortametSw)
Same as the corresponding parameter in the Multi Edit mode. (See
page 58.)