EPL Commands
14245L-003 Rev. A EPL Programming Guide 12/16/13
Bar Code Table Notes
1. Hyphens maybe used in data as a data separator and will be ignored.
2. Use ASCII 06 to delimit variable length fields.
3. Japanese Postal Code accepts alpha-numeric characters. It truncates the data after 20
characters, and pads up to 20 with a pad character.
4. The data for a Deutsche Post Code 128 barcode consists of 12 characters:
BBNNNNNNNNDE, where B is any character in the ‘B’ character set, N is any decimal
digit (‘0’ – ‘9’), and DE are the literal characters “DE” (Germany). A 1D bar code type
creates a standard Code 128 symbol, but the firmware calculates and inserts a check digit
between the last N and the DE before rendering the bar code. It will abort and report a
syntax error if any of the 8 characters between AA and DE are not digits. It will, however,
allow any number of function codes F1 through F3 to be interspersed with the digits.
5. Planet: See USPS Publication 197 for details. Either 11 or 13 digits may be supplied, and
the printer calculates and appends a check digit for a total of 12 or 14 digits. As with
Postnet, hyphens (‘-’) may be used as data separators for readability and will be discarded
by the printer.
Example 1 •
Example 2 •
produces this label: