
AES-100 User’s Guide
4-4 System Commands sys> set contact [<name>]
This command allows you to set the name of the contact person for your AES-100. The previous setting will be
cleared if the command is entered with the name omitted.
4.5.4 Set Location Command
Syntax: sys> set location [<name>]
This command allows you to set the location of your AES-100. The previous setting will be cleared if the command
is entered with the location omitted.
4.5.5 Set Mode
Syntax: sys> set mode [fast/normal]
fast =
makes use of the “tag” subset of the IEEE 802.1Q standard to identify the source port of
a frame and speed traffic through a service gateway.
Normal =
switches packets using a layer two switch (IEEE 801.1D) transparent bridge standard.
Use normal mode when you are using a regular gateway.
This command lets you set the ADSL Networking Module into fast or normal mode. Determine which mode you
are using by entering the info command.
Enable fast mode only when you are using a service gateway.
4.6 Secured Host Commands
Allow up to ten remote users to access your AES-100 via IP addresses you specify.
4.6.1 Secured Host Command
Syntax: sys> secured host [<mode>]
<mode> =
"enable" or "disable".
If <mode>= disable (default), then anyone may access your AES-100.
If <mode>= enable, then only those users with IP addresses specified by you
may access your AES-100 (refer to the Secured Host Add command).
This command enables/disables the secured host function. To display current secured host settings, simply enter the
command secured host.
4.6.2 Secured Host Add Command