AES-100 User’s Guide
8-2 IEEE 802.1QTagged VLAN Commands
8.4.2 Dynamic Entries (DVLAN Table)
Dynamic entries are learned by the bridge and cannot be created or updated by management. The bridge learns this
information by observing what port, source address and VLAN ID (or VID) is associated with a frame. Entries are
added and deleted using GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (GVRP), where GARP is the Generic Attribute
Registration Protocol.
8.5 IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN Commands
Bridge port 1 stands for the Ethernet port, bridge port 2 stands for ADSL port 1, bridge port 3 stands for
ADSL port 2, and so on.
8.5.1 Enabling the IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN
The default for the IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN is disable. Enable the IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN by following
the example shown next.
Syntax: vlan1q> vlan enable
8.5.2 Disabling the IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN
You can disable the IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN by using the VLAN Disable command.
Syntax: vlan1q> vlan disable
This command disables the IEEE 802.1Q Tagged VLAN.
8.5.3 PVID Command
Syntax: vlan1q> pvid [<port #> <vlan id>]
<port #> =
bridge port number. Valid parameter range = [1 - 9].
<vlan id> =
VLAN ID. Valid parameter range = [1 - 4094].
This command sets the VLAN ID to a specific port in the PVID table. To display the PVID table simply enter this
command without parameters, as shown next. vlan1q> pvid