AES-100 User’s Guide
ADSL Configuration 5-9 adsl> show profile <name>
<name> = a profile name
show profile command displays the settings of an ADSL profile.
An example is shown next. adsl> show profile debug
#Entry type : adslLineConfProfileEntry
ConfProfileName : debug
AtucConfTargetSnrMgn : 6 db
AtucConfMaxSnrMgn : 31 db
AtucConfMinSnrMgn : 0 db
AtucChanConfInterleaveMinTxRate : 32 Kbps
AtucChanConfInterleaveMaxTxRate : 8000 Kbps
AturConfTargetSnrMgn : 6 db
AturConfMaxSnrMgn : 31 db
AturConfMinSnrMgn : 0 db
AturChanConfInterleaveMinTxRate : 32 Kbps
AturChanConfInterleaveMaxTxRate : 800 Kbps
ConfProfileRowStatus : active(1)
This display shows that the maximum upstream ransmission rate is set to 800 kbps and the maximum downstream
transmission rate is set to 8000 kbps. All of the other settings are still at the default values.
5.5.16 Show Profiles Command
Syntax: adsl> show profiles
The show profiles command displays the settings of all the ADSL profiles.
5.5.17 Set Port Command
Syntax: adsl> set port <port number> <profile name> <oper mode>
<port number> =
Port number ranging from 1 to 8.
<profile name> =
The profile that will define the settings of this port.
<oper mode> =
Operational mode; the available choices are glite, gdmt, t.413 or auto.
set port
command assigns an individual port to a specific profile and sets the port’s mode, or standard. The
profile defines the maximum and minimum upstream/downstream rates, the target upstream/downstream signal
noise margins, and the maximum and minimum upstream/downstream acceptable noise margins of all the ADSL
ports that are assigned to it.