
Chapter 18 VoIP
EMG5324-D10A User’s Guide
18.5 Phone Screen
Use this screen to control which SIP accounts and PSTN line each phone uses. Click VoIP > Phone
to access the Phone Device screen.
Figure 120 VoIP > Phone > Phone Device
The following table describes the labels in this screen.
18.5.1 Edit Phone Device
You can decide which SIP accounts the phones connected to the Device use by clicking the Edit icon
next to a Phone ID. The following screen displays.
You cannot edit the account if it is not activated. Go to VoIP > SIP > SIP Account > Edit to
activate a SIP account (see Section 18.3 on page 226 for more information).
Figure 121 Phone Device: Edit
Table 82 VoIP > Phone > Phone Device
# This is the index number of the entry.
Phone ID This is the phone device number.
Outgoing SIP
This is the outgoing SIP number of the phone device.
Modify Click the Edit icon to configure the SIP account.