EMG5324-D10A User’s Guide 259
24.1 Overview
You can configure system settings, including the host name, domain name and the inactivity time-
out interval in the System screen.
24.1.1 What You Need to Know
The following terms and concepts may help as you read this chapter.
Domain Name
This is a network address that identifies the owner of a network connection. For example, in the
network address “www.zyxel.com/support/files”, the domain name is “www.zyxel.com”.
24.2 The System Screen
Use the System screen to configure the system’s host name, domain name, and inactivity time-out
The Host Name is for identification purposes. However, because some ISPs check this name you
should enter your computer's "Computer Name". Find the system name of your Windows computer.
In Windows XP, click start, My Computer, View system information and then click the
Computer Name tab. Note the entry in the Full computer name field and enter it as the Device
System Name.
Click Maintenance > System to open the following screen.
Figure 140 Maintenance > System