Chapter 15 Troubleshooting
NSA-220 User’s Guide
V An HDD LED is orange.
Orange means that the NSA detected an error on the hard drive (like a bad sector for example).
The NSA automatically tries to recover a bad sector, but the LED stays orange until the NSA
restarts. Even if the hard drive still functions, it is recommended that you replace it since errors
are a sign that the hard drive may fail soon. See Installing or replacing a hard drive
V An HDD LED is red.
Red means the hard drive has failed and the NSA can no longer detect it. Replace the hard
drive. See Installing or replacing a hard drive If you are using a RAID I volume, you may still
be able to use the volume but you should replace the faulty drive as soon as possible.
V Installing or replacing a hard drive
1 Do not remove or install hard drives while the NSA is turned on. The NSA must
be turned off before you remove or install hard drive(s).
1 Turn the NSA off, remove the rear panel and the drive tray and make sure:
• there is a SATA I or SATA 3.0 Gbit/s compatible hard drive installed.
• the hard drive is installed correctly in the drive tray. Push the tray back into NSA drive
bay until the screw hole at the top of the drive tray is flush with the drive bay (see the
NSA Quick Start Guide and Section 6.6 on page 78).
• the hard drive could be faulty. Try a different hard drive or test the original hard drive
in a different NSA or computer.
2 If you had to replace the drive, turn on the NSA and go to the Storage Setting screen.
• If you have a RAID I volume click the Repair icon next to the new drive.
• If you are using RAID 0 you will need to recreate the whole volume. All of your data
is lost.
• If you are using a single-disk JBOD volume, you need to create a new volume on the
new drive.
• If you are using a two-disk JBOD volume, you need to create a whole new volume on
both drives.