Chapter 1 Getting to Know Your NSA
NSA-220 User’s Guide
1.1.2 COPY Button
Use the COPY button on the front panel to copy files from a connected USB device to the
NSA. The files are stored in a folder created within the public share. The name of the folder
created for the copied files consists of the date and time of the copy in
year_month_day_hour_minute_second format. Up to a total of 10 GB for files can be copied.
If the USB device has more than 10 GB of files, the NSA emits a long beep and does not copy
any of the files.
LAN Green On The NSA has a successful 10/100 Mbps Ethernet connection.
Blinking The 100M LAN is sending or receiving packets.
Off The NSA does not have a 10/100 Mbps Ethernet connection.
Yellow On The NSA has a successful 1000 Mbps Ethernet connection.
Blinking The 1000 M LAN is sending or receiving packets.
Off The NSA does not have a 1000 Mbps Ethernet connection.
COPY Green On A USB device is connected to the NSA.
Blinking The NSA is copying files from the USB device.
Red On Copying files from the USB device failed.
Off No USB device is connected.
A. The HDD1 and HDD2 LEDs are dual-color (green and red). The green LED is normally on when you have a hard
disk installed. If the NSA detects an error on the disk, the disk’s connection comes loose, or the disk fails, the red
LED also comes on. Since the green LED still stays on, the color appears to be orange. If the NSA is no longer
able to detect a hard disk in the disk bay, the green LED turns off and the LED appears as red.
Table 1 LEDs (continued)