Chapter 15 Troubleshooting
NSA-220 User’s Guide
• Web publishing uses TCP protocol and the port number you specify. Make sure there is
not another service using TCP protocol with the same port number. See Appendix C on
page 187 for a list of common services and their associated protocols and port numbers.
• If Firefox access to the share does not work, check that you did not set the Web publishing
feature to use one of the following ports. (Firefox blocks these ports by default.)
• Make sure your ISP allows you to run a server and is not blocking the port number of the
NSA’s web publishing feature.
Table 50 Ports Blocked By Default in Firefox
1 tcpmux 95 supdup 513 login
7 echo 101 hostriame 514 shell
9 discard 102 iso-tsap 515 printer
11 systat 103 gppitnp 526 tempo
13 daytime 104 acr-nema 530 courier
15 netstat 109 POP2 531 chat
17 qotd 110 POP3 532 netnews
19 chargen 111 sunrpc 540 uucp
20 ftp data 113 auth 556 remotefs
21 ftp control 115 sftp 563 NNTP+SSL
22 ssh 117 uucp-path 587 submission
23 telnet 119 NNTP 601 syslog
25 smtp 123 NTP 636 LDAP+SSL
37 time 135 loc-srv epmap 993 IMAP+SSL
42 name 139 netbios 995 POP3+SSL
43 nicname 143 IMAP2 2049 nfs
53 domain 179 BGP 4045 lockd
77 priv-rjs 389 LDAP 6000 X11
79 finger 465 SMTP+SSL
87 ttylink 512 print exec