Chapter 33 Command Examples
VES-1616F-3x Series User’s Guide
This command displays a summary list of VDSL profiles or displays the settings of a VDSL
profile. The following example shows the summary table.
The following example shows the settings of the test VDSL profile.
33.3 ping
ping <ip> < [in-band|out-of-band|vlan <vlan-id> ] [ size <0-8024> ] [ -t ]>
sysname# show vdsl-profile
Name Payload Rate SNR Margin Applied Ports
DEFVAL 104M/104M 6/6 1-16
test 104M/104M 6/6
sysname# show vdsl-profile test
Profile Name: test
| Downstream | Upstream
Slow Channel Payload Rate | MAX: 104960 MIN: 64 | MAX: 104960 MIN: 64
Fast Channel Payload Rate | MAX: 104960 MIN: 64 | MAX: 104960 MIN: 64
Rate Adaption | adaptAtInit | adaptAtInit
Max SNR Margin | 31dB | 31dB
Target SNR Margin | 6dB | 6dB
Min SNR Margin | 0dB | 0dB
Max Interleave Delay | 2ms | 2ms
Max Aggregate Power | 14dBm | 14dBm
Rate Raio | 0% | 0%
Impulse Noise Protection | 0ms | 0ms
FEC Redundancy | 0% | 0%
PSD Template Mask | templateMask2 | templateMask2
PBO Control | disabled | disabled
PBO Level | 0dB | 0dB
Band Plan | bandPlan998
Deployment Scenario | fttEx
Compatible Mode | none
Applicable Standard | etsi
Ham Band Mask |
Custom Notch1 Start | 0kHz
Custom Notch1 Stop | 0kHz
Custom Notch2 Start | 0kHz
Custom Notch2 Stop | 0kHz
Optional Band | unused
Line Type | fastOrInterleaved