Chapter 6 Basic Setting
VES-1616F-3x Series User’s Guide
Rate Adaptive Rate adaption is the ability of a device to adjust from the configured transmission
rate to the attainable transmission rate automatically depending on the line quality.
The VDSL transmission rate then stays at the new rate or adjusts if line quality
improves or deteriorates.
Select a rate adaptive mode. Select Manual to disable transmission rate
adjustment. Select AdaptAtInit to enable the switch to adjust to a new lower rate
when the line quality deteriorates until the connection is broken.
Max SNR Select the maximum SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) margin allowed on the channel.
Target SNR Select the target SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) margin for the channel.
Min SNR Select the minimum SNR (Signal to Noise Ratio) margin allowed on the channel.
Specify maximum interleave delay for the slow channel. It is recommended that
you configure the same latency delay for both downstream and upstream.
Max Aggregate
Specify the maximum aggregate power level for upstream and downstream
Rate Ratio Select to use the data rate allocated for the fast or slow channel. Valid values are
0 and 100.
Enter 0 to use slow channel (at the rate you specified in the Slow Channel
Payload Rate field) which is best suited for data transmission.
Enter 100 to use fast channel (at the rate you specified in the Fast Channel
Payload Rate field) for latency-sensitive applications (such as voice).
Impulse Noise
Specify the level of impulse noise (burst) protection (in microseconds) for a slow
(or interleaved) channel. Enter a number between 0 and 1275.
FEC Redundancy This field displays the Forward Error Correction (FEC) redundancy overhead for a
fast channel.
This field is neither configurable nor applicable at the time of writing.
Template PSD
Select a PSD mask for the upstream and downstream traffic.
PBO Control Set the upstream PBO control. PBO (Power Back Off) allows the switch to provide
better service in a network environment with telephone wiring of varying lengths.
Select Disable to disable this feature.
Select Auto to set the switch to automatically adjust the power backoff.
Select Manual to specify a power backoff level in the PBO Level field.
PBO Level If you select Manual in the PBO Control field, select a PBO level.
Band Plan Specify a VDSL band plan to use for the line.
Select BandPlan998 for ITU-T G.993.1 Bandplan-A and ANSI Plan 998.
Band Plan FX This field displays the band frequency range (3750 to 12000) between the D2 and
U2 bands.
This field is neither configurable nor applicable at the time of writing.
Your switch automatically selects a standard to use for VDSL services.
Specify a VDSL deployment scenario.
Select FTTCab if the switch is located in a street cabinet.
Select FTTEx if the switch is located at the central office (CO).
Table 14 VDSL Profile Setup (continued)