Call Park 109
More About
These usage tips and limitations apply to WhisperPage:
■ The WhisperPage listener can refuse or end a WhisperPage session at
any time by activating Do Not Disturb.
■ You cannot initiate a WhisperPage session to:
■ A Supervisory Monitoring call
■ A call that is on hold
■ While using WhisperPage, if either the listener or the other party on
the call invokes Transfer, Park, Conference, or Forward to VM, the
WhisperPage session ends.
■ You can start up to two simultaneous WhisperPage sessions, one or
both on hold, providing you have a line available for each session.
For additional tips and considerations on using WhisperPage, see your
system administrator.
Call Park Use Call Park to place a call in a “holding pattern” and make it available
for another person to pick up from any telephone on the system. Use the
paging feature, the external paging feature, or both, to
announce the call. The recipient can retrieve the call from any 3Com
telephone or analog telephone by dialing the Call Park extension that you
give during your announcement.
This feature is useful in any of these circumstances:
■ The recipient is elsewhere in the building.
■ You want to continue a call on another telephone, for instance, in a
conference room for privacy, and transferring the call does not give
you enough time to retrieve it.
When you park a call, you assign it a Call Park extension, which anyone
can use to retrieve it.
Table 9 lists the default Call Park extension
numbers. Ask your administrator to verify the Call Park extensions for
your location.
Tab le 9 Default Call Park Extension Numbers
System Default Extension Numbers
4-digit dial plan 6000 – 6099
3-digit dial plan 601 – 609