U 153
telephone maintenance 137
telephone number, for off-site notification 81
telephone support brackets
1105 141
2101 141
3101 and 3101SP 139
3105 139
cleaning 143
connecting 137
mounting 1105 141
mounting 2101 141
mounting 3101 and 3101SP 139
mounting 3105 139
moving and swapping 143
time-of-day calling restrictions 86
toll calls, preventing others from dialing 87
tone dialing 119
tones, 3Com Telephones 123
tones, ringer selection 70
Transfer button
1105 Attendant Console 133
2101 Basic Telephone 27
3101 and 3101SP Basic Telephones 23
3105 Attendant Console 131
transferring calls 58
feature code 127
introduction 137
list of possible problems 143
unauthorized use of telephone, preventing 86
urgent messages 41
user button mapping 70
user, definition 10
version, feature code 128
voice mail
accessing through e-mail 41
changing your password 30
components 29
creating messages 36
forwarding 35
greeting-only mailbox 41
group mailboxes 42
groups 37
indicators 32
initializing 13
listening remotely 33
listening to messages 32
maximum message length 30
password security tips 31
personal group lists, creating and modifying 39
private messages 40
problems with 144
replying to 35
retrieving from a remote location 33
sending 36
setting up 13
urgent messages 41
volume control buttons
2101 Basic Telephone 27
3101 and 3101SP Basic Telephones 21
volume settings 68
feature codes 128
Wait for NCP message 145
wall-mount bracket 142
whisper 104
whisperpage 107
(feature code) 128
access privileges 108
button mapping 75
Windows Desktop shortcut, for LabelMaker 80
wrap-up time 98
user button mapping 75
zone paging 110