Putting a Call on Hold 57
Dialing Another Call You can place a call on hold to dial a new call,
On 3Com 3101and 3101SP Basic Telephones:
1 Press the button.
2 Press one of the Access buttons that is currently not being used.
3 When you hear dial tone, dial the second call.
On a 3Com 2101 Basic Telephone:
1 Press the Hold button.
2 To obtain dial tone to make the second call:
■ If you did not hang up the handset, press and release the hook switch.
■ If you did hang up the handset, pick it up again.
3 When you hear dial tone, dial the second call.
More Than One Call The number of simultaneous calls that you can have on your 3Com
Telephone is limited by the number of Access buttons that are defined for
your extension. The default is the first two Access buttons on the left of
3101 and 3101SP Basic Telephones. Your administrator can verify the
number and location on your telephone.
To place more than one call on hold on a 3Com 3101 or 3101SP Basic
1 To place the current call on hold, press the button.
■ To make a call, press one of the Access buttons that is currently not
being used. When you hear dial tone, dial the call.
■ To receive a call, locate the flashing status light that indicates the
incoming call and press the associated Access button.
2 To place the new call on hold, press .
3 To return to either call, press the appropriate Access button.
4 To place or receive another new call, repeat the previous steps.