Using Voice Mail Group Lists 37
■ A speed dial number. See “Speed Dials” in Chapter 6.
■ A voice mail group list number. (See “Using Voice Mail Group Lists”
later in this chapter.)
■ A site code plus extension (to send to a user on another NBX system in
your organization). Example: neee or neeee (where n = one or more
site code digits and e = the extension digits on the other system)
For valid site codes in your organization, see your administrator.
7 To send the message to several recipients, dial each destination number
followed by #.
8 After the last destination number and its #, press # again to send your
Using Voice Mail
Group Lists
A Voice Mail Group, also called a mail group or mail list, is a collection of
extensions with a special “group number.” Use it to send a message to
everyone on the list at the same time.
A Voice Mail Group is not the same as an ACD Group, Hunt Group, or
Calling Group. See “Automatic Call Distribution Groups, Hunt Groups,
and Calling Groups” in Chapter 7.
Viewing System
System Voice Mail Groups can be set up by your administrator. You can
send a message to everyone in a System Voice Mail Group by using * plus
the two-digit group number.
You can see a list of System Voice Mail Groups and the membership of
each group through the NBX NetSet utility.
To view System Voice Mail Groups:
1 Log in to the NBX Netset utility and go to NBX Voice Mail Settings >
System Group List. A list of System Group IDs and Names displays.
2 To view the membership of any group, click the Group ID. A list of the
system group members displays.
Creating Personal
You can create your own Personal Voice Mail Group either through the
telephone or through the NBX NetSet utility.