Software Download 117
Software Download To run tcmsdl, issue the following command:
tcmsdl [-s sdlfile] [-n nacfile] [-F] [-v] target
The SDL file name (if omitted, uses latest version available for card type).
The NAC file name (if omitted, uses latest version available for card type).
Force download to an NMC that is already in a download state.
Default directory for .nac and .sdl files is $TCMHOME/data/sdl.
For example:
tcmsdl -s qf020202.sdl -n qf030000.nac
This example uses the Quad Modem SDL file qf020202.sdl and Quad Modem
NAC file qf030000.nac to update the modem code in slots 11 and 12 of the
chassis with IP address
Upgrade File
SDL and NAC filenames contain identifying information about card type,
version level, and file type. The examples below show how to interpret this
information from the filename:
Table 11 Sample Breakdown of SDL and NAC Filenames
Filename Card-specific Prefix Version # File Type
nm040100.nac nm 4.1.0 NAC
qf030005.nac qf 3.0.5 NAC
li010101.sdl li 1.1.1 SDL