Community Names
The Community Names submenu lets you set the SNMP community strings.
The IP Telephony Manager default value for SNMP community string is public
for read only and private for read-write. To change the default values, you
must first change the community string on the devices and then on IP
Telephony Manager.
For security reasons, you cannot view the community strings through IP
Telephony Manager.
For information about changing the community strings, refer to Changing the
SNMP Community Strings, in Chapter 4.
Authorized Stations
The Authorized Stations submenu lets you maintain the management and
security functions for the specified station.
The chassis Network Management Card (NMC) contains an authorized access
list that lets you limit management capability to certain management stations
on your network. After you create entries in the authorized access list, only
those management stations can send SNMP requests to that device.
For information about setting the authorizations for a station, refer to Setting
Authorized Stations, in Chapter 2.
To set up an authorized access list:
1 Open a console window for the device whose authorized access list you want
to change.
2 From the Security menu, select Authorized Stations.
The Authorized Stations window appears.
Figure 44 Authorized Stations Window
The Authorized Station window contains the following buttons:
■ Add—Brings up a dialog box for entry of new authorized stations.