
Integrating with HP OpenView 25
If CommWorks devices were populated in OpenView before IP Telephony
Manager was installed, the network map will not display the CommWorks
bitmaps correctly after IP Telephony Manager integration. This occurs even if
the CommWorks menu options are not enabled and the isUSREntNetHub
capability is not set to True. For best results, delete and rediscover the
CommWorks devices.
Removing HP
OpenView Integration
To remove OpenView integration:
1 Login as root.
2 Type the following:
cd $TCMHOME/ovw
./Remove -r
While all CommWorks files are removed from HP OpenView, no changes are
made to the runtime databases. One of the primary purposes of removal is to
prepare for a new installation.
Erasing IP Telephony
To erase IP Telephony Manager from HP OpenView, replace the current maps
with new ones. You can also delete and rediscover all the CommWorks devices
from each map.
Verifying the
Start IP Telephony Manager with the following commands:
> TCMHOME=<installation directory>
> export TCMHOME
> export PATH
> ./xtcmvfpd <TCH IP_Address/HostName>
IP Telephony Manager opens.
For a complete description of the menus on the GUI, refer to Chapter 3
Navigating and Using the System