
Filename Prefixes Filename prefixes indicate which component type uses a given SDL or NAC file.
In most cases, the NAC and SDL files for a given component have the same
prefix. There are some exceptions, such as the Single T1 Card, as shown in the
table below:
Software Download
Progress Messages
The Software Download utility displays the following messages or writes them
to the log file:
Table 12 Filename Prefixes
SDL Prefix Card/Entity
hd T1 HiPer DSP
he E1 HiPer DSP
hr E1/R2 HiPer DSP
hm HiPer NMC
vs 3Com SNMP SubAgent (Gateway only)
vm 3Com SNMP Agent (VoIP Server only)
vg Gateway
vk Gatekeeper
vp Provisioning Server
va Accounting Server
vd Directory Server
vh Accounting Server
vt Authentication Server
vn SIP Proxy Server
Table 13 Software Download Progress Message Descriptions
Message Description Additional Information
BEGIN Software Download utility invoked Command is issued from the UNIX
BDISC Begin chassis discovery IP address
EDISC End chassis discovery IP address
BCONN Begin connection to chassis IP address
CONN Chassis connection established IP address
BSDL Begin downloading SDL file SDL file name, IP address, slot(s)
ESDL End downloading SDL file SDL file name, IP address, slot(s)
BERASE Begin erasing target cards Flash
IP address, slot(s)
ERASE End erasing target cards Flash ROM IP address, slot(s)
BNAC Begin downloading NAC file to
target card
NAC file name, IP address, slot(s)
ENAC End downloading NAC file to target
NAC file name, IP address, slot(s)
ERR Error message IP address, slots, description of error,
and possible causes
SUM Summary of Software Download
IP address(es), slot(s) and status