To use a system-wide speed dial:
1 Pick up the handset. Or you can press the Speaker button.
2 Press the Feature button plus the 3-digit system-wide speed dial ID code
for the number that you want to call.Or press the Feature button, scroll
to Speed Dials: System, press Select, scroll to the number that you
want to dial, and press Select again.
If you dial a speed dial code that has no number assigned to it, the display
panel on your telephone shows the message “No number stored.”
Special Case:
Speed Dials
One-Touch speed dials use Access buttons.
Use either the One-Touch or the Personal speed dial screen to assign or
change the One-Touch speed dial numbers on your telephone. If you
make a change in one screen, it appears in the other screen. See
“Personal Speed Dials”
or follow these steps for the One-Touch screen.
To add or change a One-Touch speed dial on an available Access button:
1 Log in to NBX NetSet > Speed Dials > One Touch.
2 Any box that has an asterisk in the margin is available for a personal or
system-wide speed dial. In any of the asterisked text boxes under
Number, type the telephone number to which you want to assign a
speed dial button. Or change the telephone number in a box that already
has a speed dial number.
Include all of the prefix numbers that you would normally dial, such as a 9
or 8 or 1 to access an outside line, and, if necessary, the country code or
area code.
To include an account code, include the feature code, account code, and
# before the telephone number Example: [888]1234#9785551212. Do
not use spaces, hyphens, commas, or nonnumeric characters other than
# and brackets.
3 In the Description text box, type a brief description, usually a name that
corresponds to the number.
4 After you have made all of your changes to the One-Touch speed dials,
click Apply, and then click OK.
If you make a change in this screen, the change also appears in the
Personal Speed Dials screen. See “Personal Speed Dials”
earlier in this