About the IP Messaging Provisioning Password 47
When prompted to apply the changes and restart Tomcat, you must enter
Y (uppercase Y). Any other entry (for example, lower case y or “yes”) will
cancel the changes.
About the IP
To change the default password for IP Messaging Provisioning interface,
you must use the AppMon interface to the IP Messaging. To access the
Appmon interface, you must use the secure shell (ssh) command and you
must have support for the X Windows System (also referred to as X
Windows or X).
On a UNIX or Linux computer, the X Windows System is often available by
default. On a Windows PC, you can install the Cygwin/X software,
available for download from http://x.cygwin.com.
For instructions on how to install the Cygwin/X software on a PC, see
“Installing Cygwin/X” in the “IP Messaging Module Operations and
System Administration Guide.”
The instructions in this section assume that you have installed the
Cygwin/X software on a PC and have launched a bash shell window.
To access the AppMon interface:
1 In a bash shell window, enter this commands:
ssh -Y -l app <ip address of IP Messaging server>
The -Y switch enables trusted X11 forwarding. Trusted X11 forwardings
are not subject to the X11 SECURITY extension controls. The -l switch
specifies the login ID (app, in this case).
2 When you are prompted for the password, enter nice, or, if you have
already changed the default password for the app account, enter the
new password instead.
A message appears:
Warning: No xauth data; using fake authentication data for
X11 forwarding.
You can safely ignore this message.
3 Enter this command:
4 The System Admin window launches.