
Sample Configuration Scripts 57
for more information.
When done, enter a blank entry or to stop.
Primary NTP Server : 0.pool.ntp.org
Secondary NTP Server : 1.pool.ntp.org
Tertiary NTP Server : 2.pool.ntp.org
These three NTP server names are valid and can be used without change.
If you prefer to use different NTP servers, replace one or more of these
server names with the names or IP addresses of the NTP servers that you
-------------------------- Configuring Time Zone --------------------------
The system can be set to use Coordinated Universal Time (UTC, sometimes
called Greenwich Mean Time or GMT) or to a local timezone. Most systems
use a local timezone.
Will this system use UTC? [no] :
Press the Enter or Return key to accept the default answer and use local
Please select a geographic location from the following list:
1. Africa
2. Americas
3. Antarctica
4. Arctic Ocean
5. Asia
6. Atlantic Ocean
7. Australia
8. Europe
9. Indian Ocean
10. Pacific Ocean
Enter continent [2] :
Press the Enter or Return key to accept the default geographic location
(Americas) or enter the number that corresponds to your area.
Please select a country or region from the following list:
1. Antigua & Barbuda 18. Ecuador 35. Panama
2. Anguilla 19. Grenada 36. Peru
3. Netherlands Antilles 20. French Guiana 37. St Pierre & Miquelon
4. Argentina 21. Greenland 38. Puerto Rico
5. Aruba 22. Guadeloupe 39. Paraguay
6. Barbados 23. Guatemala 40. Suriname
7. Bolivia 24. Guyana 41. El Salvador
8. Brazil 25. Honduras 42. Turks & Caicos Is