
16. Dominica 33. Mexico
17. Dominican Republic 34. Nicaragua
Enter country [44] :
Press the Enter of Return key to accept the default country/region (United
States) or enter the number that corresponds to your country.
Please select a time zone from the following list:
1. Alaska Time
2. Alaska Time - Alaska panhandle
3. Alaska Time - Alaska panhandle neck
4. Alaska Time - west Alaska
5. Aleutian Islands
6. Central Time
7. Central Time - Indiana - Daviess, Dubois, Knox, Martin & Perry Counties
8. Central Time - Indiana - Pike County
9. Central Time - Michigan - Dickinson, Gogebic, Iron & Menominee Counties
10. Central Time - North Dakota - Morton County (except Mandan area)
11. Central Time - North Dakota - Oliver County
12. Eastern Time
13. Eastern Time - Indiana - Crawford County
14. Eastern Time - Indiana - Pulaski County
15. Eastern Time - Indiana - Starke County
16. Eastern Time - Indiana - Switzerland County
17. Eastern Time - Indiana - most locations
18. Eastern Time - Kentucky - Louisville area
19. Eastern Time - Kentucky - Wayne County
20. Eastern Time - Michigan - most locations
21. Hawaii
22. Mountain Standard Time - Arizona
23. Mountain Time
24. Mountain Time - Navajo
25. Mountain Time - south Idaho & east Oregon
26. Pacific Time
Enter zone [12] :
Press the Enter or Return key to accept the default answer (Eastern Time)
or enter the number that corresponds to your time zone. The script
confirms your time zone choice.
Selected Time Zone: America/New_York
Next, the script prints a summary of the configuration parameters that
you have entered or selected and provides you with the opportunity to
review them. If you notice anything that needs to be changed, you can
answer no to the next prompt and the script will be executed again,
allowing you to make any changes that you want.