AcerRouter 700 Series User Guide 3-11
Idle Timeout: the number of seconds of inactivity over the connection.
When this value is reached, the AcerRouter 700 will disconnect the call.
You can set the idle timeout from 0 to 3600 seconds. The default setting is
120 seconds. If you select 0, the connection will never time out. This
option is not available if your selected switch type is Permanent 64K or Pe
rmanent 128K.
Step 5 Click OK to return to the previous screen.
Step 6 Click APPLY and TEST.
Note: When you click APPLY and TEST, the AcerRouter 700 attempts to place a
call to your Internet Service Provider and log in. Watch the Message window for any
messages. After the test is successful, the AcerRouter 700 will disconnect from your
ISP. If it is not successful, make any necessary changes based on progress messages
that appear in the message window, and try again.
After APPLY and TEST is successful, any users on your LAN who want to access
the Internet should configure their PCs or workstations as described in Chapter 2. The
n, they must reboot their workstations in order to update them with information the A
cerRouter 700 learned from the ISP during the APPLY and TEST operation.
Advanced Setup Options for Internet Access
Using Advanced Setup options, you can assign a public IP address to the AcerRoute
r 700, modify the private IP address of the AcerRouter 700, modify DNS addresses,
and enable or disable DHCP.
Step 1 Select Advanced Setup from the menu:
Configuration - Advanced Setup
Step 2 The Advanced Setup screen appears:
Set the following parameters:
To install public servers on your network (e.g., Web or ftp servers), you n
eed to apply for an IP address for each server plus one for the LAN port of
the AcerRouter. All these public IP addresses have to belong to the same
IP network.
Public IP Address: the public IP address for the LAN interface on the A
cerRouter 700.
Advanced Internet Access Setup
(Optional) Public IP Address
(Optional) Public IP Netmask
Private IP Address
Private IP Netmask
Primary DNS IP Address
Secondary DNS IP Address
DHCP Enable
192 168 168 230
255 255 255 0
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