3-30 AcerRouter 700 Series User Guide
screen is used to enter the days of the week and the hours of the day during which Inte
rnet access is allowed. The AcerRouter will not connect to the Internet outside of the
configured times.
In order for this feature to be effective, the AcerRouter must be configured for the cu
rrent local time. To do this, see the section, “Setting the System Time”, above. Note,
however, that if for some reason the AcerRouter is reset or power-cycled, the previou
s time setting will be lost. Until you once again set the time, the AcerRouter will eithe
r allow Internet access or not, depending upon a setting which is configured below.
To view or change Internet access time restriction settings, select Internet Access T
ime from the menu:
Configuration - Internet Access Time
The following screen is displayed:
Step 1 Set the days of the week during which Internet access is allowed. Select
Day Range if you want to specify a range of days. If you select All, Intern
et access will be allowed every day.
Step 2 Set the time during which Internet access will be allowed. Not that this se
tting is based upon a 24 hour clock. Select Time Range to enter a consecu
tive period of time between which Internet access is allowed. If you select
All, Internet access will be allowed from midnight to midnight on the days
selected in Step 1.
Step 3 Enter the default setting for Internet access if the router is power-cycled or
reset. If you enter “Yes” (the default), then Internet access will be allowed
all the time. If you enter “No”, then Internet access will not be allowed un
til the clock is set.
Step 4 Click Apply to enable your settings.
Internet Access Time Configuration
Day of the Week:
All (7 days) Day Range
Enter the day & time range during which Internet access will be allowed
Time of the Day
All (24 hrs) Time Range (hh: 00-23, mm: 00-59)
From: To::
(hh:mm) (hh:mm)
If the system loses its time setting, allow Internet access?