5-2 AcerRouter 700 Series User Guide
Note: The AcerRouter 700 retrieves the time of day only after connecting to a
computer running the browser. The year will appear as 1970 until the browser
receives the correct date and time.
How to Upgrade the AcerRouter Features/Software
When you first receive your AcerRouter, it may have optional features already
installed, or it may have come with a basic feature set. There are optional features that
you can buy from your Acer Nexus distributor and add to your basic feature set.
Available optional features include: the Option Plus package (including remote
access and remote office to office communication capabilities), the IPX routing and
bridging feature, and the VPN feature. After you decide which optional features to
add, you can buy them from your distributor, who will ask for the MAC Address of
your AcerRouter unit from you and later provide you with a feature key that you need
to enter the system. (The MAC Address is shown in the System Upgrade screen,
You can also upgrade your AcerRouter 700 firmware (the software that controls the
router’s operations). Normally, this is done when you discover a problem which is
resolved in a different version of firmware, or when Acer Nexus produces a new
software version that contains new features that you need. Otherwise, if you are
happy with your current unit, you may not want to upgrade even if a new version is
available. You can check Acer Nexus’s web site for information about new versions
and new features that have become available.
Both types of system upgrade can be performed through the SMART System
Upgrade option as follows:
Step 1 Select System Upgrade from the menu:
System Tools - System Upgrade
The following screen is displayed:
Step 2 To update the AcerRouter software, download the software from Acer
Nexus’s web site and install the software in your local environment first,
then from the above screen enter a path or filename (e.g., a:\P18v413.sig),
or click Browse to select a path to the software. Next, Click the Upgrade
button below the file name and follow the onscreen instructions.
The new firmware will begin loading across the network. After the
operation is complete, be sure to reset the system to have the new
firmware take effect.
Step 3 To enable new features on the AcerRouter, enter the Upgrade Feature Key
System Upgrade
MAC Address 00-60-20-18-00-24
Upgrade Feature Key
Upgrade Firmware (path and file name)