
AcerRouter 700 Series User Guide 3-19
higher throughput, and compressed incoming data to be recognized. The
ability to use compression depends on the capabilities of the ISP.
Idle Timeout: the number of seconds of inactivity over the connection.
When this value is reached, the AcerRouter 700 will disconnect the call.
You can set the idle timeout from 0 to 3600 seconds. The default setting is
120 seconds. If you select 0, the connection will never time out.
Enable IP: select Yes to allow IP routing over a connection using this
IP RIP: enable or disable IP Routing Information Protocol.
Remote IP Address: the IP address of a destination computer on a network
reachable through this connection.
Remote IP Netmask: the IP subnet mask of the Remote IP Address.
Enable IPX: select Yes to allow IPX routing over a connection using this
IPX RIP/SAP: enable or disable IPX Routing Information Protocol and Se
rvice Advertising Protocol.
Set as IPX Default Route: if this parameter is set to Yes, then the AcerRou
ter 700 uses this connection if no other route for an IPX packet can be fou
nd in the routing table.
Remote IPX Network Number: the IPX network number of a network re
achable through this connection. If you set this connection as the default
IPX route, an entry in this field is not required.
Enable Bridging: select Enable to bridge other protocols, for example, S
NA, Appletalk, and NetBEUI.
Used for Internet Access as well: select Yes if you want users on your
local LAN to get their Internet access through a connection to the remote
Note: If you allow Internet access in this manner, make sure you do not have
any Internet Access configuration profiles set up on the AcerRouter 700.
Enable Encryption: select No if you do not want to use DES encryption,
and select DES if you require encryption. If you enable DES encryption
you must enter a DES Encryption key.
DES Encryption key: the DES encryption key to be used by other syste
ms to establish contact with your system. This must be a a hexadecimal nu
mber with up to 40 or 56 bits (10 to 14 digits).
Note: For security reasons, encryption options only appear if your connected
to the AcerRouter 700 over a local LAN.
Step 2 If advanced configuration is required for the operation on the ISDN, and
its loadsharing capabilities, then click Multilink.
Step 3 Alternatively click OK to return to the previous screen.