absorptive surfaces, simulating
with Echo effect 148
defined 275
Waveform format 233
adapter, defined 275
ADAT, defined 275
Add/Remove VST Directory
command 33
Adjust Boundaries command 170
Adjust Sample Rate command 111
Adobe Acrobat Reader 1
Adobe After Effects, remixing
soundtracks from 207
Adobe Audition
and basic audio workflow 272
Adobe Premiere Pro, remixing
soundtracks from 207
compression 235, 236
defined 275
Advanced Session Properties
dialog box 167
AIFF format 233
A-Law Wave format 232
aliasing, defined 275
Amiga IFF-8SVX format 233
amp overdrive 155
Amplify/Fade effect 134
defined 275
optimizing 134
analog audio, fundamentals of 270
analog recording, defined 275
Analyze Loudness tab, Group
Waveform Normalize dialog
box 245
Append To Session command 63
Apple AIFF format 233
ASCII text data
about 234
defined 275
ASPI (Advanced SCSI
Programming Interface) 46
attack, defined 276
attenuate, defined 276
AU format 238
analyzing 118
copying 92
mastering 117
muting 103
restoring 117
shrinking or stretching 146, 177
Audio Clip Properties window 174
audio digital extraction 64
audio file format, defined 276
audio files
See also specific format names
exporting mixdowns to 229
inserting in sessions 63
saving 227
audio tracks, about 179
Audition Loop format 234
Auto Click/Pop Eliminator effect
Auto-Cue feature 101
automation, defined 276
auto-play 62, 77
AVI format, exporting mixdowns
to 230
background mixing
defined 276
priority level 54
band pass filter, defined 276
Bars And Beats command 205
Bars and Beats time format
about 71
tempo and 199
Basic cue
about 97
defined 276
Bass Management circuit 220
batch processing
about 243
cue list 243
cue ranges 243
normalizing files 244
with scripts 247
Batch Processing command 247
beat cue, defined 276
finding 90
marking with cues 98
beats per minute (bpm)
and tempo 199
defined 276
Binaural Auto-Panner effect 139
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