9-4 61200290L1-1G
Section 9, Transaction Language 1 (TL1) MX2800 M13 Multiplexer User Manual
Output Response Messages
Output Response messages are generated in response to received commands. Output Response Messages
have the following general format:
M^^<ctag>^<completion code><cr><lf>
For the MX2800, the Completion Code field contains one of the following values:
Comply indicates a successful execution of the received command.
Deny indicates denial of the received command.
When the received command is denied, the line in the message following the
Completion Code line
contains a four letter error code. Refer to TL1 Error Codes on page 9-17 for an indication of the possible
MX2800 error codes.
The MX2800 specifically uses quoted line(s) in the response message of successfully executed RTRV-
ALM commands. The quoted line format is as follows:
The NTFCNCDE field contains one of the following values:
•MN - Minor
•MJ - Major
• CR - Critical
See the condition types listed in Table 9-3 on page 9-12 for possible MX2800
Autonomous Messages
The Autonomous message is sent from the NE to the OS and is not associated with any explicit input
message. The MX2800 uses this message to exclusively report alarmed and non-alarmed events. An auton-
omous message has the following general format:
<alarm code>^<atag>^<verb>[^<mod1>[^mod2>]]<cr><lf>
^^^"<aid>:<message parameters>"<cr><lf>;
Possible values for the Alarm Code field include the following:
• *C - Critical Alarm
• ** - Major Alarm
• * - Minor Alarm
• A - Non-alarm
• Null - (blank)