
61200290L1-1G E-1
Appendix E
10Base-T Ethernet connector which implements the IEEE standard on 24-gauge, unshielded
twisted-pair wiring.
AMI Alternate Mark Inversion. A bipolar line-coding format in T1 transmission
systems whereby successive ones are alternately inverted.
ANSI American National Standards Institute. A nonprofit organization that coordinates
voluntary standards activities in the United States.
asynchronous A method of data transmission which allows characters to be sent at irregular
intervals by preceding each character with a start bit followed by a stop bit.
bandwidth The bandwidth determines the rate at which information can be sent through a
channel (the greater the bandwidth, the more information that can be sent in a
given amount of time).
baud rate A measure of transmission speed over an analog phone line. Baud rate measures
the shortest signaling elements per second in the analog signal that a modem sends
over an analog phone line. Does not necessarily equal the bit rate.
BERT Bit error rate test. A test that uses any of a number of stress patterns to test T3, T1,
FT1, and DDS circuits.
bipolar A signal containing both positive and negative amplitude components.
bipolar violation See BPV.
bit A binary digit representing a signal, wave, or state as either a one or a zero. A bit
is the smallest unit of information a computer can process.
bit error The receipt of an encoded bit that differs from what was sent by the transmitter.
bit rate The speed at which bits are transmitted, usually expressed in bits per second (bps).
bps Bits per second. The number of bits passing a specific point per second. Examples
of common rates are kbps (one thousand bits per second) and Mbps (one million
bits per second). T3 operates at 44.736 Mbps.