4-2 61200290L1-1G
Section 4, Status MX2800 M13 Multiplexer User Manual
This field displays the current condition of the network. Possible conditions are listed in Table 4-1.
This field displays the current alarm condition of the MX2800. Possible conditions are given in Table 4-2.
Table 4-1. Network State Conditions
Condition Description
Normal The MX2800 is ready to pass data.
Alarm The unit is currently receiving an alarm indication. For alarm types, refer to the
Alarm subsection.
In Test The unit is currently in test mode. Refer to Section 6, Loopbacks for information
on the test type.
Table 4-2. Alarm Conditions
Condition Description
Normal No alarms are currently being received.
RAI The unit is receiving an RAI (yellow) alarm from the network. This alarm is a sig-
nal sent back toward the source of a failed transmit circuit. The X-bits (X1 and X2)
are set to zero.
LOS The unit has lost the Rx signal.
AIS The unit is receiving an AIS (blue) alarm condition from the network. AIS alarms
occur when consecutive 1010s are received in the information bits, indicating that
there is a transmission fault located either at or upstream from the transmitting ter-
LOF The unit detects a framing loss from the network.
XCV The unit is receiving excessive code violations from the network, exceeding the
threshold set by the user. For more information, refer to
XCV Threshold on page 3-15.
TLOS The transmitter has failed.
Idle The unit detects an idle sequence from the network.