MX2800 M13 Multiplexer User Manual Transaction Language 1 (TL1), Section 9
61200290L1-1G 9-17
When the MX2800 denies a received TL1 command, the Output Response message has an associated four
letter error code indicating the reason for denial. Table 9-5 lists possible error codes.
TL1 Editing
TL1 editing commands allow the MX2800 to be provisioned through a TL1 session rather than through the
menu system that is accessed using a VT100 terminal emulator. User account information must be provi-
sioned through a console menu session or TL1 session prior to initiating a TL1 session. Once a TL1
session has been initiated using the ACT-USER command, see Table 9-2 on page 9-6, the TL1 editing
commands may be used. The standard format for an edit command is as follows:
The parameter descriptions are as follows:
• rr is T1, T2, T3, or EQPT
• <tid> is the Target Identifier
• <aid> is the Access Identifier
• <ctag> is a 1-to-6 character correlation tag (echoed in response)
• <keyword> is one of the entries from the data dictionaries in Table 9-6 on page 9-20, Table 9-7 on
page 9-23, Table 9-8 on page 9-24, or Table 9-9 on page 9-27.
• <value> is one of the enumerated types in the data dictionaries, an integer, or Y/N, depending on the
Table 9-5. TL1 Error Codes
Error Code Description
ICNV Input, Command Not Valid
IDRG Input, Date Range
IIAC Input, Invalid Access Identifier
IITA Input, Invalid Target Identifier
IPNV Input, Parameter Not Valid
PIUI Privilege, Input User Not Valid
PLNA Privilege, Login Not Active or Insufficient Privileges
SROF Status, Requested Operation Failed
SSRE Status, System Resources Exceeded