Chapter 7 Work in Layout mode 108
Adjust the shelf for a shelf control
When you add a shelf control such as a keyboard to the workspace, it appears at a default angle,
creating a three-dimensional appearance. You can adjust the angle of the shelf control so that it
appears more or less three-dimensional. This can be useful, for example, if you want to see more
of the keys on the keyboard or minimize the amount of space it occupies onscreen.
You can also move the shelf vertically to change its position in the workspace. When you move
the shelf vertically, all screen controls on the shelf (for example, a modulation or pitch bend
wheel and a keyboard) move with the shelf.
Adjust the angle of the shelf for a shelf control
1 In the workspace, select the shelf control.
White alignment guides for the control’s shelf appear.
Alignment guides
2 Drag the lower alignment guide (the one aligned with the front of the shelf control).
To make the angle steeper (as though you are looking down from above): Drag the lower
alignment guide down.
To make the angle less steep (as though you are looking from the front): Drag the alignment
guide up.
Drag the front (lower)
alignment guide to change
the angle of the shelf.