Appendix A The Playback plug-in 130
Playback transport and function buttons
This section covers the buttons used for playback, fade, count-in, click, and marker navigation
Cycle button
Play button
Undo button
Fade Out button
Count-in button
Previous/Next Marker
Transport and Function parameters
Return to Start button: Moves to the very beginning of the audio material, but does not start
playback. If Playback is in play mode, however, playback continues from the start of the
audio le.
Play/Stop button: Starts or stops playback. The position playback starts from is aected by
the Sync, Snap To, and Play From parameters. See Playback Sync, Snap To, and Play From
parameters on page 132.
Cycle button: Cycles playback between the current marker and the next marker. Audio is
automatically crossfaded at the marker points to minimize clicks. If the le contains no
markers, playback of the entire le is cycled.
Fade Out button: Gradually lowers the volume level to silence over the number of seconds
specied in the Fade Time parameter. The Fade Out button turns blue until the fade out has
completed and playback stops.
You can stop an active fade out by clicking the Fade Out button a second time. This gradually
restores audio playback to the full volume level over the same amount of elapsed time as the
fade out.
Count-in button: Enables a one-bar count-in, using the MainStage metronome click. The
count-in always uses the concert tempo and meter, regardless of the Sync mode.
Metronome button: Turns the MainStage metronome on or o. The metronome always uses the
concert tempo and meter, regardless of the Sync mode.
Go to Previous Marker button: In play mode, immediately moves to the previous marker (to
the left of the current playhead position) if the audio material contains markers. Playback
continues from this position. If the audio le contains no markers, moves backward 8 bars (if
Sync is on) or 20 seconds (if Sync is o). Playback continues from the new position.
If Playback is stopped, moves to the previous marker or to the beginning of the audio le
if the current playhead position precedes the rst marker. If the le contains no markers,
moves 8 bars (if Sync is on) or 20 seconds (if Sync is o). Press Play to start playback from
this position.
Go to Next Marker button: In play mode, immediately moves to the next marker (to the right
of the current playhead position) if the audio le contains markers. Playback continues from
this position. If the audio le contains no markers, moves forward 8 bars (if Sync is on) or
20 seconds (if Sync is o). Playback continues from the new position.
If Playback is stopped, moves to the next marker or to the end of the audio le if the current
playhead position is after the last marker. If the le contains no markers, playback rewinds
by 8 bars (if Sync is on) or 20 seconds (if Sync is o). Press Play to start playback from the
new position.