Chapter 5 Work in Edit mode 47
Show the metronome channel strip
You can show the metronome channel strip in the Channel Strips area, where you can change its
volume or change the metronome sound.
Show the channel strip for the metronome
m Choose Show Metronome Channel Strip from the Action pop-up menu in the upper-right corner
of the Channel Strips area.
To hide the metronome channel strip, choose Hide Metronome Channel Strip from the Action
pop-up menu.
Create an alias of a channel strip
You can create an alias of a channel strip and use the alias in dierent patches or sets. Aliases
allow you to share highly memory-intensive plug-ins, such as third-party multichannel
instruments and samplers, between dierent patches, rather than creating multiple instances of
these plug-ins. In some cases, creating an alias can be more ecient (use fewer resources) than
adding a concert- or set-level channel strip.
Create a channel strip alias
1 In the Channel Strips area, select the channel strip.
2 Choose Edit > Copy, or press Command-C (default).
3 In the Patch List, select the patch in which you want to use the alias.
4 Choose Edit > Paste as Alias, or press Command-Option-V (default).
The alias is pasted after the last channel strip in the patch (but before any signal ow channel
strips, if they are visible). An alias icon appears near the top of the alias to distinguish it from the
channel strips in the patch.
You can use an alias in multiple patches or sets. When you change settings on the original
channel strip (with the exception of volume, pan, and expression), those changes are reected
in the aliases of the channel strip. You may want to audition each patch that uses an alias after
changing the settings of the original channel strip, to make sure it sounds the way you want.
You can create an alias of a multi-output instrument, such as the EXS24 mkII, to use in another
patch or set in the concert. When you copy a multi-output instrument to create an alias, be
sure to select all of the aux channel strips for the instrument so that the complete multi-output
instrument is pasted as an alias. For information, see Use multiple instrument outputs on
page 56.