Appendix B The Loopback plug-in 143
Loopback waveform display
The waveform display shows the waveform of the recorded audio material. The waveform display
updates in real time as you record new material. The vertical line in the center of the display is
the playhead, which shows the current playback or recording position as the waveform scrolls
from right to left. The ruler appears above the waveform, showing bars and beats (musical time).
Loopback transport and function controls
This section covers the controls for recording, playback, fade, count-in, metronome, and
undo operations.
Metronome buttonFade Out buttonPlay button
Undo buttonCount-in buttonReverse button
Record button
Transport and Function parameters
Record button: Starts or stops recording. Click the Record button once to start recording to
the tape loop—a virtual tape loop, not an actual one. Click a second time to set the length
and start overdubbing. During overdubbing, the rst recorded take plays back while you
record subsequent takes. Subsequent clicks toggle recording o or on, while the tape loop
keeps playing.
Play/Stop button: Starts playback at the position set by the Play From and Snap To parameters.
If Loopback is playing or recording, stops immediately (without waiting to reach the Snap
To value). If Loopback is recording and has no established length, it sets the length and just
continues to play back with no overdubbing. See Loopback Sync, Snap To, and Play From
parameters on page 145.
Reverse button: Reverses the contents of the tape loop, so the sound plays back in reverse. You
can activate Reverse when Loopback is either playing or stopped.
Fade Out button: Gradually lowers the volume level of the tape loop over the time specied in
the Fade Time eld. The Fade Out button remains highlighted until the fade-out has nished
and playback stops.
The fade-out aects only previously recorded material. You can start recording during a fade-
out, and the new material is recorded and plays at full level. When you record new material
during a fade-out, Loopback does not stop when the fade-out has nished, but continues
playing the newly recorded material.
If the tape loop length has been set, pressing the Fade Out button (or activating a screen
control mapped to it) while Loopback is playing clears the buer, but does not reset the loop
length. Pressing the Fade Out button while Loopback is stopped clears the buer. If the loop
length was undened when Loopback started playing, it also resets the loop length.
Count-in button: Enables a one-bar count-in, using the concert time signature.
Metronome button: Turns the MainStage metronome on or o.