Maintenance Strategy
Isolating the Trouble
You can isolate any problem to one of the following areas:
■ Telephone
■ Control unit
■ Central office
If you change the jack assignment of any telephone, be sure to record the
extension jack change on Form 2a, System Numbering: Extension Jacks.
See Appendix B, “System Numbering Forms,” for details.
Check Telephone Problems
If a customer reports telephone problems, use the following steps as a
guideline for determining the possible cause. Chapter 3, “Telephone
Problems,” discusses telephone problems in more detail.
Discuss the problem with the user who reported the problem.
Run the appropriate test to verify the complaint.
Replace the telephone with one that works properly.
If the problem persists, go to “Checking the Error Logs” below.
If the problem persists, replace the telephone wiring.
Check the Error Logs
If a system alarm turns on (see the top-right area of Figure 1-7), begin
troubleshooting by checking the permanent errors in the error logs.
Use the following steps as a guideline to check the error logs. For more
information on performing the procedures, see “Checking the Error Logs” in
Chapter 2. Also, when you check the error logs, you should refer to Table 2-2,
“Error Codes,” in Chapter 2 for a detailed description of each problem.
Introduction 1-23