3 If you have a printer connected to your system, you can make sure that
you have selected the option you want by having the system print a
System Feature Report. To order a report, dial #905 and wait for the
4 Touch Message and go on to another procedure, or leave administration
Check with your system administrator whether your system has the Ringing-
on-Transfer or the Music-on-Hold feature.
Ringing Options
When a square or behind-switch system is installed, the lines at each voice
terminal ring immediately when a call comes in on them. In pooled systems,
the two pool buttons above Intercom-Voice are initially set for no ring. You
can change these default ringing options to suit your needs, selecting the
ringing options you prefer for individual lines or for all your lines. You can
set lines so that incoming calls ring immediately, after a delay, or not at all.
You can also decide whether you want to keep the Abbreviated Ringing
feature (the default) or remove it. With Abbreviated Ringing, if you are on a
call and another call comes in, the new call rings only once. The green light
next to the button continues to flash as a reminder, but the incoming call does
not interrupt the call in progress.
If you prefer, you can remove Abbreviated
Ringing. In that case, the new call continues to ring until it is answered or the
caller hangs up.
NOTE: Abbreviated Ringing applies to incoming calls only. Returning
transferred calls ring repeatedly.
The following tips are useful for deciding how and when voice terminals in
your MERLIN II system should ring.
Immediate Ring People responsible for answering incoming calls, such as
the system attendant, should have the lines on their telephones programmed
for immediate ring. You can also use this option for private lines that don’t
need to be screened or for people who answer their own calls.
Delayed Ring
You can provide backup coverage on a shared line by
having that line ring at a second voice terminal only after it has rung twice
somewhere else. Then, when calls come in for a person who is away from
his or her desk, that person’s calls will ring at the voice terminal of a backup
Delayed ring is often useful for a secretary who picks up calls for
someone on a private line.
No Ring People who do not normally answer incoming calls should have
their lines programmed for no ring. If the system attendant answers all the
calls that come into the office, all other voice terminals in the office can be
set for no ring.
You might also prefer to program telephones in public
2-140 MERLIN II System Features