Menu-Driven Administration Procedures
The following table shows procedures for menu-driven administration. This
display-based method is used only with the MERLIN 11 System display
console. The console makes administering your system easy because each
button below the display aligns with its corresponding entry on the display.
You may also want to refer to Figure 3-1, the menu map, which shows the
display for each of the administration features as well as their positions in the
menu-driven administration hierarchy.
By referring to the menu map, you
will always know where you are in the system and be able to keep
administration time to a minimum.
Each administering procedure is designed to be completed and, if necessary,
repeated with a minimum of effort.
For example, once you have entered
administration mode, the menu displays the first four major features of the
system (System, FlexNm, Lines, Stations) and leaves a fifth spot open (More)
for accessing the other features. Pressing the button under the position
where More is displayed will reveal four more major features of the system,
and so on until the first four are displayed again. In the tables, procedures
for accessing subsequent features are clearly described.
When you are in a menu and have administered a feature, you don’t have to
go back to the system menu to access other features. In most cases, each
level of administration provides for a way to move around within that level
by pressing the button under the position where More is displayed. For
example, if you have just administered PageZn, you can move to
administering allowed lists by pressing More.
Menu-Driven Administration Procedures