Line Assignments in Behind-Switch Systems
Line Pickup
“Call Pickup. ”
If your responsibilities do not include system administration, skip this
The MERLIN II system can be configured to operate behind a larger system.
“Behind-Switch Operation” in this section of the manual explains how this
type of system works.
The system automatically assigns the first line, default line 801, to all
attendant consoles as their prime line. It then assigns all other lines to those
consoles as secondary lines, with delayed ring. (If you have more than one
attendant console, you should administer the lines so that each console has a
different prime line.)
In contrast, each voice terminal is assigned a single, different line as its prime
line. The system automatically assigns the prime line to the button above
Intercom Voice in the leftmost column of buttons.
If any lines other than the prime line are to appear on voice terminals, you
must assign them. When you assign a secondary line to a voice terminal or
console, the system automatically assigns that line to the first button that
doesn’t already have a line assigned to it, in the order shown in Figures 2-7
and 2-8.
The system assigns prime lines to voice terminals in an order
corresponding to their intercom numbers. It assigns the first line to the
first station, second line to the second station, etc. For example, it initially
assigns the first line (line 801) to the administrator/attendant console
(intercom 10), line 802 to intercom number 11, etc.
If all lines have been assigned, but there aren’t enough lines for all the
voice terminals, the system does not assign any line to any voice terminal
that remains.
If a person in a behind-switch system does not have a particular line
assigned to his or her voice terminal, he or she can pick up a ringing or
held call on that line by using the Call Pickup feature. (See “Call Pickup.)
When you assign a line to a voice terminal, the system automatically
assigns it to the first button that doesn’t already have a line assigned
to it, in the order shown in Figures 2-7 and 2-8. You can assign lines to
voice terminals in a different pattern by touching the line buttons in the
order in which you want them to appear.
Assign lines to one voice terminal at a time. You cannot assign lines to
a voice terminal unless it is idle, and the user cannot place or receive
calls while you are assigning lines.
MERLIN II System Features