How you use this manual and the user and attendant guides at any particular
time depends on what you want to do, as the following information suggests.
Making Changes to a Running System?
Change the planning forms to reflect the changes you want to make. Then
see the relevant entries in Section 2, “Reference” or in the appropriate guide
in Section 3, “Quick Reference Guides. ”
Managing Incoming Call Traffic as a System Attendant?
See the MERLIN II System Atendant’s Guide for a description of your console
and instructions for handling calls.
If you want more detailed information,
consult the appropriate entries in Section 2, “Reference,” in this manual.
Using a Voice Terminal
for the First Time?
See the appropriate MERLIN II System User’s Guide for the type of telephone
you have. (There are separate guides for analog and digital voice terminals
and basic telephones.) The guide describes the voice terminal or telephone
and explains how to use it.
If you want more information about particular
system features, consult the entries for those features in Section 2,
“Reference,” in this manual.
About the MERLIN II Communicatlons System 1-3