B Set up customer logins
Windows logins for customers
290 S8100 Installation and Upgrades
November 2003
Enabling Windows 2000 customer logins
Only the Administrator can enable customer logins.
Set up login accounts
1 Start the Windows 2000 user manager on the S8100 desktop. Click Start → Programs →
Administrative Tools
→ Computer Management → Local Users & Groups.
2 Change the password for the NTadmin account.
3 Activate and set passwords for the browse, vm, and sa accounts. This also can be done via the
command line tool net user. See Avaya (Lucent) access controller bash commands
on page 329.
4 Create 3 Windows accounts in the Officeadmin group for 3 application administrators. These
accounts are used to download Avaya Site Administration software. The account names can be
chosen as desired. For this example they are called D1user1, D1user2, and D1user3.
c:\LucentWeb\admin\cgi platform cgi scripts anonymous none
officeuser none
officeadmin execute
administrators execute
lucent full control
c:\LucentWeb\AdminAll\html Restricted html pages. e.g.
activate Terminal Server
anonymous none
officeuser none
officeadmin none
administrators full control
lucent full control
c:\LucentWeb\AdminAll\cgi Restricted html pages. e.g.
activate Terminal Server
anonymous none
officeuser none
officeadmin none
administrators full control
lucent full control
Table 50: Web access rights/officeadmin and officeuser access 3 of 3
Directory Use Login group Permissions
3 of 3