C Miscellaneous procedures
Connect to SAT session via Telnet
296 S8100 Installation and Upgrades
November 2003
Updating INTUITY AUDIX machine name
1 Once Windows reboots, Update INTUITY AUDIX. Enable the S8100 web page using a browser.
Click the Administer System link. The web page prompts for login and password. Use the
lucent3 login with the new password supplied by INADS.
2 Click the INTUITY AUDIX Networking link. Click the Administrative Menu link after the page
loads. Click the Local Machine Administration link to load the Local Machine Administration
web page. Click the change button in the middle of the page for INTUITY AUDIX to re-populate
its databases with the current settings.
3 Exit the web pages and restart INTUITY AUDIX.
Enable a Telnet session to the S8100’s LAC bash shell. Execute the shutdown Audix command at the
shell prompt. Select start Audix when the shutdown finishes. When INTUITY AUDIX restarts, it
recognizes the new machine.
Changing system name
1 When the system is up, enable a SAT session, using either telnet or Avaya Site Administration.
Login as dinit (lucent1 will grant the same permissions) with the appropriate password.
2 Enter change system-parameters features. On page 4, change the switch name to match the
Windows 2000 and INTUITY AUDIX switch names.
Connect to SAT session via Telnet
This method of access is used primarily by technicians who use one of the services logins. This
connection type will access a SAT emulator to administer and maintain the S8100.
1 Enter a command after logging in to the S8100 system. See Via a Telnet session on page 152. In
this example, the command entered was multivantage. The next screen shows the initial SAT