
13 11/2005
To check on claims submitted to BCBSGa/BCBSHP:
A claim status may be verified via the internet at www.bcbsga.com. Please
access the Claim Status through the Provider Corner of our web site.
Please wait at least thirty (30) calendar days after submitting a claim before
checking the claim status via our web site or calling BCBSGa/BCBSHP to verify
the status of the claim. This will allow sufficient time for complete processing
of the claim.
If the claim is submitted electronically, verify that the claim was not rejected
electronically (see EDI Services on page ) and if rejected, and the claim status is
not available through our web site, that it was corrected and resubmitted.
The status of the claim may also be obtained by calling the appropriate
BCBSGa/BCBSHP telephone number based on the member’s benefit plan.
The following information is required to verify a member’s eligibility and benefits
and/or to inquire on the status of a submitted claim:
Type of plan (ie: BlueChoice Healthcare Plan, FEP, NASCO, etc.)
Member’s name
Member’s ID number including the alpha prefix and numeric suffix
Member’s date of birth (MM/DD/YYYY)
Date of service (required for claim status inquiries only) (MM/DD/YYYY)
Charges submitted (required for claims status inquiries only)
Identification Cards
A member ID card is issued to each member for use when receiving health care
services. The ID card is for identification purposes only and may not be considered a
verification of eligibility.
Please find examples of member ID cards on the following page.