
1 11/2005
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia (BCBSGa)
Blue Cross Blue Shield Healthcare Plan of Georgia (BCBSHP)
The Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Georgia and Blue Cross Blue Shield
Healthcare Plan of Georgia (BCBSGa/BCBSHP) Hospital Manual is a
comprehensive document designed to inform network hospitals of
BCBSGa/BCBSHP claim submission guidelines and requirements. In addition,
the manual addresses administrative procedures such as eligibility and
admission processes. Other discussions include descriptions and
explanations of the remittance advice, utilization review guidelines and other
helpful information.
BCBSGa/BCBSHP is committed to providing network hospitals with an
accurate and up-to-date Hospital Manual; however, there may be instances
where new procedures or processes are not immediately reflected in the
manual. In such cases, BCBSGa/BCBSHP will make every effort to distribute
updated documentation in the next manual update. In those instances when
BCBSGa/BCBSHP determines that information in this manual differs from that
in the
Hospital Agreement,
the agreement will take precedence over the
We appreciate your participation in the BCBSGa/BCBSHP network(s).
BCBSGa/BCBSHP is committed to working with hospitals and members to
provide a high level of satisfaction in delivering quality health care. The
BCBSGa/BCBSHP Hospital Manual is an integral part of this commitment.