
35 11/2005
CAQH Cardiac Initiative
BCBSGa through its parent company, is a member of the Council for Affordable
Quality Healthcare (CAQH), a not-for-profit alliance of America’s leading health plans
and networks. CAQH is working with the American College of Cardiology (ACC) and
the American Heart Association (AHA) to raise awareness of the lifelong benefits of
beta blockers following an acute heart attack.
The AHA/ACC Secondary Prevention For Patients With Coronary and Other Vascular
Disease Guidelines for heart attack patients in the acute care setting recommend that
a beta blocker be started early after an acute heart attack, and continued indefinitely
in all patients who do not have an absolute contraindication to beta blockers.
BCBSGa/BCBSHP encourages hospitals that have not implemented the AHA/ACC
guidelines to do so. BCBSGa/BCBSHP, through its Health Improvement Programs, will
also provide education and reminders to post-MI patients post discharge and on an
ongoing basis. Periodic notices to physicians are planned.
More information about CAQH and its National Cardiac Initiative is available at
www.CAQH.org. You can obtain further information about the ACC and AHA
programs at:
The American Heart Association
• Web: http://my.americanheart.org/portal/professional/guidelines
Phone: (800) AHA-USA1
• E-mail: guidelineinfo@heart.org
The American College of Cardiology
• Web: www.acc.org/gap/gap.htm
Phone: (800) 435-9203 ext. 464